Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Power of Repetition, A Perfecting Principle

I have had my eyes opened recently to the power of the principle of repetition. I have been reading the book called "The Holy Temple" by Boyd K. Packer and had a few sentences hit me with incredible impact. Here is the following quote that caused me to see with new eyes:

"You may find a particular concept or doctrinal point discussed in more than one context, a scripture or a statement from one of the prophets used in more than one chapter. For this no apology is offered. It is deliberate. For did not Moroni repeat three times in one night his message to the Prophet Joseph Smith and then return the next day to repeat it a fourth time?"

After I read this, I started thinking about all the principles, ordinances, and concepts that are used with repetition in our church. All of the temple ordinances, sacrament prayers, and many other things have to be done with EXACT repetition. I also thought about how the Lord has asked us to read and re-read the Book of Mormon as much as we can and to pray over and over all the day long if needed! I also thought about the Young Women's Theme that is stated every week in church and the repetition of themes stated in the Priesthood rooms. I thought about the constant repetition of closing our prayers, "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." and that we close them only in this form, which is a constant repetition of asking the Father to seal our prayers with the name of our Savior. I also thought of the repetition of returning and reporting that leaders in the church do for the bishopric, and then to the stake presidency, and then to area authority, and so forth. I also thought about our individual talents and gifts that as we "practice" or do the "repetition" required, that is what develops our talents and gifts and eventually helps us become perfected in those areas. By practicing a piece of music everyday and practicing it with PERFECT repetition, I will eventually be able to play it PERFECT every single time. It will become apart of me and because of the numerous repetitions of flawless practice, I will no longer be able to mess up, but only be able to play it perfect. If I keep a prayer in my heart all day long and make a repetitive habit of morning and evening prayers, that will become apart of me and I will become PERFECT at saying my prayers. As I re-read the scriptures over and over again, the repetition of the words from the prophets will eventually stick and I will be able to apply those principles I have learned. Those words will cause my mind to memorize them and make them apart of me. I will start to become PERFECT in those principles. If you think about it, the Lord only works with repetition. If you read in the scriptures and think about temple work, exact repetition is required for returning and reporting by all of the prophets, messengers, and for the organization of His church here on earth. He also requires that if we are to live with him someday, we are to repent not just one time, but repeatedly! We are to forgive not just one time, but repeatedly! We are to make repentance and forgiveness a repetition that occurs frequently throughout our lives. We are to make scripture reading, prayers, kindness, and service a daily repetition in our lives. Why does the Lord want us to repeat the same things over and over? Because it is truly a Godly principle. By doing this repetition, we will become PERFECT and more like HIM! It is through repetition that we learn, apply, and become perfected in that principle.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blessings in the ER

Dad was really sick all weekend. He had no energy and although he had several presentations for our Heritage Makers Regional he turned the time over to Brytt. Friday night, Marshyl was kind enough to take him home so he could get some sleep. The next day, Dad came back and said he was feeling a little better. Dad got up to speak, and then after only a few mins of speaking he turned the time over to Brytt. Brytt got up and stared going through his slides. Dad sat down, and from the back of the room, I made sure I kept my eye on dad. He started to sway quite heavily. I quickly walked up and knelt by his chair. He whispered to me that he thought he was going to pass out. I stayed with him and as soon as Brytt was done speaking, we left the room. Marshyl being so kind, grabbed his truck and I tried to steady Dad as we walked to the car.

Later, Mom felt she needed to call Dr. Fransen. Dr. Fransen said that it sounded like Dad had pneumonia and she should take him into the ER.

I joined Mom and Dad in the ER around 6:30. Dad was in bad shape. He was sweating and cold at the same time. His blood pressure was 80/30-40. His breathing was short and choppy. Mom and I felt helpless as we tried to comfort him. It was amazing, as I pondered over how I could help him, I had the thought to rub his feet. And within moments, Dad asked me to rub his feet. Never was there a more tender scene. Anyone who knows me, knows I can’t stand feet. But here, with my dad on an ER bed it seemed to be a moment from God. I was grateful I could do something for him, even if it was just a little circular motion. After a while I had the thought I needed to change my position and work on his back. And again, within moments Dad asked me if I would rub his back. Tears fell at the gratitude to the Lord for just giving me those little insights to things that would help Dad.

Mom, Dad and I were all in the ER room when the Doctor came in. He had the results of the tests back and after a little hesitation he said everything pointed to Leukemia. He answered a few of our questions and then left the room. We hugged in a stunned position for quite sometime. I asked Dad if he wanted the boys to give him a priesthood blessing. He said yes. And with that, I grabbed the cell phones so he and mom could have their moments alone.

I found my own little corner of the ER and sat down and tried my best to call up Brytt, Marsh and Thayne. In the middle of my calls, Mom came out and asked that I make sure Thayne was coming. I told her of course he was.

They all jumped in their cars within mins and were headed to give Dad a blessing.. By the time I called Krysti I was a wreck, but Rach answered the phone, which ended up being a blessing so Krysti didn’t have to hear my voice. I didn’t want to put Nykki or Krysti into a panic. A sweet nurse walked passed me and said that he had over heard me talking about a blessing, and told me he could assist if needed. Only in Utah!! J I called Patti and she asked if she should come. I didn’t want her to be bothered so I told her to come in the morning. She was so sweet to contact Virginia and Wendy. She took care of the office staff as well.

After 10 mins of making calls and filling the hall and the ER room with tears, I noticed a change. The atmosphere in the ER seemed to change. Instead of darkness and despair, I felt light and peace. So drastic was the change that I started to weep with gratitude. I felt impressed from the Spirit of the Lord that many prayers were going up in our behalf. How full my heart was. Mom and I both felt the change.

While I called all the kids, I prayed that our ER room would be filled with great faith. I know that the Lord works through faith and I silently prayed that those coming would have great faith. And who shows up?! Patti and Karl from work, and they brought their spouses! (I know I am biased, but if I had to choose two people at home office to pray and use their faith for me, other then my family, it would have been Patti and Karl!) They were not asked to come, and I didn’t even know Karl knew, but the Lord did fill that room with great faith holders/users!

Here we were in this tiny ER room and I believe at one time 15 of us were there. It was hot, but of course no one seemed to mind. And the sweet hospital did not get mad at us breaking the over 2 limit. We sang hymns for my dad while he laid on the bed. What a sweet spirit filled the room, and although the door to our room was closed, 15 voices carried through the halls and every nurse/patient that passed the door, slowed their pace to hear the songs and I watched as they all peered in. Heaven could not have been more close in such a darkened hour. Again, I did not feel any darkness, but my soul was filled with light.

All the priesthood holders gathered in a circle around Dad’s bed. A sweet priesthood blessing was given. Power was felt from heaven. It was not said that Dad would be instantly healed, but that Heavenly Father knows what he is going through and will be with him as His [Heavenly Fathers] will is accomplished/done. We all felt great peace. After the blessing we had a family prayer.

Paul and Beck came down from Katie’s place… such a long drive! And the Carters drove down the Canyon as well. So much love!

Towards midnight, one by one, people trickled out until it was only Mom, Dad, Brytt, Marshyl, and myself left. Marsh and Brytt were cracking jokes left and right, and they really helped lighten the heaviness of the situation. We were all laughing, even Dad was able to make a slight smile a few times. I don’t think laughing helped his chest, but in the retrospect, he was very peaceful.

I know without any hesitation that prayers are being answered in God’s way. We have seen my dad’s physical body change. When I left his ER room right after the news of Leukemia- his head and neck were in a heavy sweating/boiling mess. He was red in color and very hot to the touch. Then from his shoulders to the rest of his body, he was completely pasty white and icy cold to the touch. 10 mins after all the calls, he no longer had such a polar contrast throughout his body.

I know that the Author and Finisher of our faith is Jesus Christ. Dad has not been forsaken. None of us have. And we are confident-with NO doubt, that Heavenly Father is hearing our prayers.

John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” We are not walking in the darkness, and more importantly, Dad feels no darkness. We feel the consuming/consoling light of Jesus Christ! We feel the arms of our Heavenly Father wrapped around us. We know they are watching over us all.